Ganekanda Raja Maha Vihara Buddhist temple

A 15 kilometre drive from Negombo out through Kimbulapitiya will bring you to the village of Aluthapola and the Ganekanda Raja Maha Vihara Buddhist temple. 

The Temple there is over 2,000 years old, and is believed to have been built by King Walagamba, who reigned in Anuradhapura in the 1st Century BC. 

On any Poya day, upwards of 5,000 people from the surrounding villages will make their way to the Temple to pray, and make offerings to Buddha. 

Whole families, from young to old, and groups of friends all make their way up the rock to the pavilion, with its large reclining Buddha, then climb the remaining way to the top of the rock to sit for a while, take family photos and ‘selfies’.

Beautiful sight

It is a beautiful sight looking down at the stupa and the flickering of hundreds of oil lamps whilst watching the sun setting in the west.

On a clear night you can watch the full moon rise, bathing the whole area in silvery light. If there is cloud cover then the descent from the rock needs a little more care in the dark.

Market stalls set up outside the temple grounds do a thriving trade selling everything from lotus flowers and incense sticks to household items such as coconut spoons, toys, sweets and plants.

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