The souk in the centre of Negombo

Negombo market, reminiscent of an Arab souk, is bang in the centre of town by the landmark clock tower. 

Cheap and stylish clothing for men, women and children is its USP, but its inner labyrinth sells everything from wallets to bags to fake watches.

Bargaining is the name of the game. Whatever the price, offer half—or a third if you’re a foreign tourist.

As with most Negombo shops, there’s a local price and a tourist price—which is whatever they think you’re dumb enough to pay!

Be nice

But be nice. Don’t jump up and down yelling ‘rip-off’—politely tell them they must be joking, and walk away. 

Nine times out of ten they will follow hard on you heels, asking what you want to pay, and you can take it from there.

On one occasion, this writer was haggling over five (fake) Lacoste polo shorts—only to find he’d left his wallet at home.

The stall holder insisted on hailing a tuk-tuk (which he paid for) to go home, fetch said wallet, and return to pay up.

Now that’s a real bargain!

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